My other friends who are also fans are also all pretending to be fine on the outside, but if you look closely, none of us are fine.
I started the subscription both on Karina and Winter's Bubble on 22.08.01. I originally subscribed on '21.05.06.' when their Bubble first launched, but due to my life's issues, I stopped in February 2022.
Anyway, I'm on both Karina and Winter's Bubbles for the 575th day as of today, but I decided to keep only Winter's Bubble.
Even if you report [issues] to Gwangya 119, they will freaking ignore you and the number of lawsuit is 0, but SM, which is a YES man for things like this (dating), is completely incompetent.
Dispatch, who stalked them, should be cancelled, and honestly, Karina should receive hate for this.
As a leader and the center, she was was not able to respect her position. It's only been over 3 years and 3 months...
What is certain is that some of Karina's fans will leave and Winter will be the center for the full album's comeback...
Chat: Of course celebrities should be allowed to date...
OP: Of course you can pretend to be cool about if if you didn't spend money on them
Chat: You shouldn't be caught not because of the fans, but because you'll become an eyesore to the team's colleagues
OP: That's right
"I've barely been to any fansigns, and I 've been to a recording, their first Japanese show, their domestic shows and some fan meetings. The real core fandoms are seriously hating this ㅋㅋ I'm so disappointed, of course I can end it"
"Yes, it feels like watching a bunch of idiots who don't know a single thing about the business itselfㅋㅋㅋㅋ It's because I've showed you proofs (of unsubscribing) so the haters are coming, but if you look at Tweets or on Theqoo, the criticisms are actually high ㅋㅋㅋ If you don't want to lose fans and sales, become an artist like IU insteadㅋㅋㅋ
1. I f*cking pity Karina
2. If you want to quit the fandom, do it quietly, nobody cares if only one person drops out
3. Of course she can date, and of course the fans are allowed to leave. But don't blame each other
4. Ha f*ck I hate everything about this and it's just so f*cked. The fact that people are liking posts like that and that her dating rumors are everywhere on my timeline, when the comeback is in front of our nose, everything feels f*cked. Please stop ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ
5. Of course it's disappointing that she's doing this only 3 years into her debut, she didn't even wear a mask while dating him, so she didn't even seem to have put the minimum effort to not get caught
6. They're allowed to leave the fandom though
7. I would've quit the fandom if it was my bias too, but people are criticizing this because it's not their bias
8. If I was a fan, I'd be sad. The fact that her group is only 3 years into promotion, she could've waited a bit more, as a group, this is such an important timing
9. She must consider all the fans quitting the fandom if she gets into a relationship, it's also aespa's full album comeback soon, so she should've been even more careful..
10. Honestly it's true that she was careless